Louis E. Walton

Posted on April 4, 2010


walton W            Last two photographs were taken in May 1966. Louis was Killed In Action in June 1966. He was the Crew Chief of the Helicopter is is leaning on. Major Bille Joe Nave was the Pilot.

Louis Walton, Husband, Father and Crew Chief 1966

Jannette and Louis

  Louis and Jannette on their wedding day.

 A young Louis E. Walton during the beginning of his time in the US Army.

Louis was assigned to Charlie Troop on August 16, 1965 and was Killed in Action on June 27, 1966.

Louis was assigned as a Crew Chief on a helicopter. Louis was awarded the Purple Heart,  National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Vietnam Service Medal , a set of Crew Member Wings and 4 Air Medals.

One of Louis Walton’s best Friend Walt Titchenell made it his life’s mission to find the family of Louis Walton. In 2011, he made contact with Daniel Walton, Louis’s youngest.  In May of 2012, Daniel  attended “Zit” dedication at the Motts Museum. The big day came when in October of 2012 not only Daniel Walton showed up but so did his brother,, Richard and his two sisters Diane and Kathleen attended the Bullwhip Squadron Reunion at Fort Hood, Texas. At the same time the children of Billy Nave, Teri and William were at the reunion. This completed Walt’s mission.

Diane Walton-Gleaton forwarded me some photographs for inclusion on this site. I can not thank her enough. Richard Walton sent me some orders and a photo for this site. I can not thank him enough. Danny Walton sent me some letters for this site. I can not thank him enough.

In 1965, President LBJ decided to send the 1st Cavalry Division to Vietnam. I am sorry. I am still learning how to make it possible for you to enlarge any of the images below. Until then if you would like a copy send me a comment.

The Vietnam War was still in it’s early buildup and problems arose. Most soldiers would have just kept quiet. SP/5 Louis Walton was not one of those. Here are some communications between him and his wife Jannette their Congressman  and a member of the US Postal Officer.

  These letters not only show the concern that SP/5 Louis Walton had for himself and his Brothers in Arms but it also show the love of Jannette Walton had for Louis the the ends of the earth she would go to take care of him.

The sadness of War. 1st LT Franklin J. Hiner was assigned the duty of preparing and sending home the personal effects of SP/5 Louis E. Walton, Cpt Richard Perrin and Sp/4 Frank Gonderman. One year, 11 months and 29 days after the deaths of these Brave Troopers. 1st LT Franklin J. Hiner was KIA on his second tour and it became the duty of someone else to do the same for him.

 This is a VC Captured by SP/5 Louis Walton.

I also have many orders awarding the Air Medal to many Troopers. Since these orders have RA and US numbers on them I will not post them at this time. As  get the time I will removed the RA/US numbers and then post them. Until then, if you would like to know if your name appears on any of the four sets of orders I have send me a comment.

Danny Walton, A Proud son honoring his Father at Arlington National Cemetery alongside of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilot/Crewmen Memorial September 29, 2019

Louis Walton was a Proud Husband and Father. He had two Daughters, Diane and Kathleen and two sons Richard and Danny.

Louis Walton was assigned to Charlie Troop 1st Squadron 9th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division (AM). He went to Vietnam by boat in 1965. SP/5 Louis Walton was scheduled to go home around the 1st or 2nd of October. However, the Army decided to send Louis Walton and Major Billie Nave home early. On June 27th, 1966 Louis along with, Bille Nave, Cpt Richard Perrin and SP/4 Frank Gonderman loaded up onto a helicopter for the ride from Tua Hoa South to An Khe. Walton and Nave were to be dropped off for out processing and return to the USA.  As the aircraft circled the base camp a collision occurred between their helicopter and an another helicopter resulting in the deaths of all four Charlie Troopers. The 2nd helicopter had Cpt Donald Bryant, Cpt Jeffrey McNabb, Cpl Frederick Binder and Pvt Jackie Goforth on it All four of them perished as well that day. For a reason I can not determine both Billie Nave and Louis Walton were allowed to leave Vietnam in June instead of October. The Army was rotating Troopers early and assigning some to other units so not all Troopers would leave at one time. Setting up a rotation.

Louis had been corresponding with Danny the whole year as well as the rest of the children. As his time got closer to going home, he continued his writings.  It was only recently that Danny found some of the letters that his Dad had written to him. He also found one that he had written to his dad. As you take your time to read these few letters it is evident that Louis Walton loved his son, Danny, very very much. His nickname for Danny was Worms. I don’t know why. You can also see that he was writing to his other children as well. Remember that Danny was only in Kindergarten at thIs time. You saw where Louis teased him about making eyes at all of the girls. Louis also mentioned taking him swimming, on a picnic and to a movie.

This letter was dated 3Jan1966

Dear Son:

Just a few words to find out what you got for Christmas. Santa told me you got just about everything you wanted. See when you’re a good fellow, nice things happen.

I want to wish you a happy new year and tell Richard I wish him one also. I just wrote to him and forgot to put that in the letter.

I wish you would write me a nice long letter pretty soon because I miss hearing from you. I try to write to all of you whenever I can.

Somebody told me it snowed real hard one night while you were sleeping and when you woke up and seen it you just laughed and jumped all around. Sure hope you have fun playing in it.

Do you go to the same school as Richard and Diane does. I hope so then you won’t have very far to go.

I don’t remember you telling me about any of your friends what’s the matter ya “nut” haven’t you got any?

Well, I had better close now as I have to write Diane and Kathleen a letter before I go to bed.

Bye Son,

Love Daddy

Letter dated 15Jun1966

Hi Daniel,

I heard you fell down in school and busted your knee. Did you cry like a little boy or did you grit your teeth and say it didn’t hurt.

You will be getting another letter from me soon because your birthday will soon be here. The other kids won’t get one. HaHa. Danny turned 6 years old on 29Jul1966.

Mother said you wrote to me but I guess your letter didn’t get mailed, because I haven’t got it yet. Oh well, maybe it will come today or tomorrow. I hope so any way. I love you very much and really miss you a whole bunch.

I only have 61 days left, so you had better be getting your fishing gear ready to go fishing and checking your swim suit to see if it fits because we will be going swimming too.
I don’t know what movie we will be going to, but you kids can pick one out. Does that sound ok?

Gotta go now. I’ll write again in a couple of days. Be good and have fun.

I love you,

I promised to take you swimming and go on a picnic or have you forgotten that. Boy Grandma and Mother can really make some good food when we go on the picnic, yum yum. I get hungrt just thinking about it.

I hope you are well and having fun. I must o for now because I have to write to a lot of other people. Be good. My calendar says only 61 days before I come home.

Love you forever,


Letter dated 21Jan1966

Hi Worms,

Just finished a letter to Diane so I had better write you one to you. Guess I could wait until and punch you in the nose. But I won’t because I love you.

I just hate a day like today, it is raining and everything is all mud again. We don’t have any sidewalks or streets over here, just dirt roads. I mean muddy roads now.

How are you getting along in Kindergarden? Still making eyes at the little girls I’ll bet. You had better watch out or some of them might jump up and kiss you. HaHaHa.

Sure hope you write to me when you get time son as I miss you so very much and a letter sure helps out. So please write when you get time.

Think I will get ready for bed now so I can get up early in the morning.

Bye now and be a good boy just for me huh.
